Project design.
Project management.
Construction design & management (CDM). 
Health and safety management.
Planning and prior notification applications.

Box culverts.
Harvesting stacking and transfer facilities.
Water and silt management and design.

Bridge Inspections

Inspection Service:

Highland Tree Routes offer an asset inspection service for bridges and other structures related to forest, estate and wind farm access routes. We can carry out General and Principal Inspections, Post Works Inspections and Completion Inspections. We offer a complete inspection management service so that you can be sure that your bridges, communication masts, retaining walls etc are inspected at the appropriate intervals.

The importance of regular inspections:

Regular inspections will ensure that any defects are picked up at an early stage, this will help you to arrange the necessary maintenance works within a reasonable timescale preventing further costly damage or complete failure.

Regular inspections also ensure that the structures are fit for purpose and safe to use, this will ensure the safety of anyone using the bridge or other structure and will help to mitigate any environmental damage that may be caused by collapse or failure.

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